Our doctrine

God's redemptive story

God created the universe and everything in it, and He is the Lord, King, and ruler of all. He created human beings to represent Him among His perfect creation. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve rejected God by choosing to rebel against God, in disobedience, dishonoring his holiness, majesty, and glory by hearing the voice of God’s enemy instead of God’s voice and words, which led to sin, curse, and death. But God promised to crush the enemy through the Seed of the Woman and to reverse the effect of the curse of sin.

God planted His seed in Abraham’s family, specifically Judah’s royal seed. The covenant blessing would come to the world through Judah in David.

Because all people have sinned and had fallen short of God’s grace, deserving death, the sacrifices of the Law of Moses revealed more clearly their need for a substitute that could atone for all people- the suffering servant was needed.
Through God the Spirit, God would establish a new covenant and grant eternal life to His chosen people in His New Heavens and New Earth.
‌Jesus, God the Son, fully man and fully God, is the One through whom all these promises find fulfillment, first in His sacrificial death as a necessity to pay for sin and then in His victorious resurrection as Lord and King.

‌Good News! This is the gospel: God, through Christ, is forgiving and reconciling sinners to Himself. So that all who repent of their sins and transgressions and put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation are forgiven for their sins. The condemnation due them has fallen on Christ, our substitute who died on the cross, was buried, was raised and ascended, and is returning as King.

We respond to this fantastic news by repenting from our sins and trusting ourselves entirely to Christ. As a result, we are regenerated, justified, transformed, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit of God; and God will make His fruit grow in our life. God has begun in His people this good work that will He will bring to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

‌God’s story will culminate when the redeemed from every nation and tongue will gather to live with God forever in peace, joy, glory, and eternal worship of Yahweh.


God is one – the only God, infinite, eternal, self-existent, living, and holy. 
Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 40:12-31;45:5-7

God is spirit and is to be worshipped in spirit and truth.
John 4:24

God is perfect in all His attributes. One in essence, eternally existing in three persons (a trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), co-eternal in nature, co-equal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfections. Each person of the trinity in their distinct personhood deserves equal worship and obedience.
2 Corinthians 13:14, Ephesians 2:18, Matthew 28:19

God is creator, sovereign, and supreme ruler of heaven and earth, glorious and transcendent, not being restrained by space or time.
Genesis 1, Matthew 6:10; 10:29-31 Colossians 1:16-17

God revealed His name to be known personally by His people.
Psalm 83:18, Exodus 3:13-15  

God the Father

God the Father is the first person of the Trinity. He possesses all the divine excellencies; He is coequal, consubstantial, and coeternal with the Son and the Spirit.
Genesis 1, Matthew 6:10; 10:29-31, Colossians 1:16-17, Psalm 145:8-9

God the Father is the creator of all mankind,
but spiritual Father only to the believers. 
Ephesians 4:6, Romans 8:14

God the Father is neither the author
nor approver of evil or sin.
Habakkuk 1:13, John 8:38-47

God the Father has chosen His own. He gave to the Lord Jesus Christ those who will be saved. 
Ephesians 1:4-6, John 1:12; 17:6, Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:5, Hebrews 12:5-9

God the Son (The Lord Jesus Christ)

God the Son has two natures, being fully God and fully man – eternal second member of the Trinity, the Son of God become flesh. He is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, in whom the fullness of God dwells. He possesses all the divine excellencies; He is coequal, consubstantial, and coeternal with the Father and the Spirit.
John 1:1-2;10:30;14:9, Philippians 2:5-11, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:15-20, Colossians 2:9

God the Son was born of a virgin, his birth a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. Thus he was fully human but without sin or guilt.
Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:26-38

God the Son himself, claimed to be God and to speak and act with God’s authority, as demonstrated by his teachings and miracles.
John 8:21-30, Mark 2:1-12

God the Son died on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice for sin according to the plan and will of God.
Matthew 27:24-56, John 19:1-42, Romans 5:8-11, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

God the Son conquered sin and death by rising from the dead. His resurrection was literal, physical, and witnessed by many. He ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God the Father.
1 Corinthians 15:1-28, Acts 1:6-11, Ephesians 1:20-23

God the Son is Savior, Lord, King, Ruler of all things in heaven and earth, Head of His church, High Priest of His people – interceding and advocating for them. Christ is worthy of and rightfully demands the unquestioning love and submission of every member of the human race.
Hebrews 7:25; 9:24, 1 John 2:1-2, Philippians 2:11, Revelation 4:8-1

God the Holy Spirit

God the Spirit is the third member of the Trinity and possesses all characteristics of Deity and Personhood. He possesses all the divine excellencies; He is coequal, consubstantial, and coeternal with the Father and the Son.
Genesis 1:2, Acts 5:1-6, 1 Thessalonians 5:19

God the Spirit authenticated the life and work of Christ and continues to testify to Jesus’ Sonship.
Matthew 3:13-17

God the Spirit superintended the writing of Scripture ensuring the inerrancy, authenticity, authority, and power of the biblical text. 
2 Peter 1:20-21, Ephesians 3:4-5

God the Spirit opens the eyes of the unbeliever to comprehend and receive the gospel. He regenerates, washes, indwells, seals, fills, empowers and intercedes for the believer and illuminates the believer’s understanding by giving insight, wisdom, and revelation.
1 Corinthians 2:9-16, Titus 3:4-7, Ephesians 1:13-14; 3:16-17; 5:18, Romans 8:26

God the Spirit gave birth to the church as the people of Christ and God and places every believer into the body of Christ, the church, building a temple for his own dwelling.
Acts 2:1-41, Ephesians 2:18-22

God the Spirit sovereignly distributes gifts among the members of Christ’s body for the work of the ministry and the edification of his people. We believe that the use of such gifts is regulated by Scripture, following Biblical patterns. We reject the use of Spiritual Gifts for disunity of the Church, self-promotion, deceiving people from truth and ambitious gain.
1 Corinthians 12:4-13, Ephesians 4:7-14


The Bible is God’s written revelation to man, consisting of the 66 books together forming the Old and New Testaments. The Bible was written by many people but has one divine Author, The Holy Spirit; therefore, the Bible has an objective, propositional, and truthful meaning.
Psalm 19;119

The words of Scripture are God-breathed (inspired) in such a way that they are the words of God and the Word of God. Therefore, Scripture is inerrant in its words, infallible in its whole, without contradiction, unified, and clear. It is authoritative for all of life and faith. It always speaks truthfully and accurately.
2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:7-14

We believe in one true interpretation of Scripture while acknowledging there may be several applications. Because of our human limitations, we trust the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Through a literal grammatical-historical interpretation of Scripture, the Lord provides instruction and guidance to His church. Therefore, we strive to focus on comprehending the author’s original intent for his original audience in order to receive God’s instruction.
2 Peter 1:20-21, 1 Thessalonians 2:13

And thus, Scripture is the center of Christian unity and the source and foundation of all Crossway Fellowship beliefs and proclamations. We recognize that the truth of Scripture stands in judgment of mankind; mankind never stands in judgment of Scripture. 
Hebrews 4:12-13


God created man uniquely in his own image and likeness. Therefore, human life is sacred from conception until God’s appointed moment of death. Man was created in a state of sinlessness and unhindered fellowship with God himself. God created man to be a steward over creation.
Genesis 1-3, Psalms 139:13, Jeremiah 19:4-5

Man was created to glorify God, to enjoy a relationship with God, to live a life according to God’s will and decree, and to rejoice in contentment because of God.
Isaiah 43:7, Colossians 1:16, Revelation 4:11

Man sinned by disobeying God his Creator, was evicted from the garden, is now fallen, and bears God’s punishment for his disobedience.
Romans 3:10-18; 24

Because of Adam’s sin, all of mankind has inherited a fallen, sinful nature. As such, man is born at enmity with God.
Romans 5:12-21

Man is sinful in both nature and action – totally depraved, alienated from God, and incapable of pleasing God or remedying his lost condition.
Ephesians 2:1-3, Colossians 1:21, Titus 3:3

Humanity is God’s good creation. God created men and women identical in dignity, different in roles, and complementary in their mission. Men and women are created to live in community as part of the Holy Church, and in society, where they are ambassadors of Jesus for the glory of God.  If desired, they can enter into the holy covenant of marriage, affirming the union of one man and one woman.
Genesis 1-2, Hebrews 10:25, Acts 1:8, Matthew 5:14-16


Jesus’ death on the cross was a substitutionary sacrifice as an atonement for sin. His death was sufficient to satisfy the wrath of God against sin. Apart from the cross, there is no salvation from sin or judgment.
Isaiah 53:4-6, Romans 5:1-11, Hebrews 9:11-26, 1 John 2:1-2

Salvation is found only by faith in Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way to God or means of pleasing him.
Romans 3:21-26, Acts 4:12, John 14:6

Salvation is the gift of God, by grace through faith. It is undeserved and cannot be earned or obtained by human effort or merit.
Romans 4:1-8, Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Timothy 1:9

True salvation involves repentance from sin and transformation of a person’s heart, attitudes, and behavior as that person is conformed to the image of Christ.
Romans 6:1-23, 2 Corinthians 4:7, Ephesians 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

The believer’s salvation will be completed with the future resurrection and the transformation of his physical body into a glorified physical body.
Philippians 3:20-21, 1 Corinthians 15:42-49

Regeneration starts salvation. Regeneration is God’s supernatural work through the Holy Spirit of bringing someone from spiritual death to spiritual life. Regeneration is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, by no human participation through the instrumentality of God’s Word. 
John 3:3-7;5:24, Titus 3:5

Election is God’s act by which, before the foundation of the world, God elected those whom He will regenerate, save, adopt, and sanctify. Election does not contradict man’s responsibility to repent and believe in the Gospel. Election displays God’s sovereignty, righteousness, grace, and mercy.
Romans 8:28-30;9:22-23, Ephesians 1:4-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:13,
2 Timothy 2:10, 1 Peter 1:1-2, Ezekiel 18:23;32;33:11, Titus 3:4-7

Justification is God’s act in which He declares righteous those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior, have repented from their sins, and confess Jesus as Lord. Justification involves the imputation of our sins to Jesus Christ and the imputation of Jesus Christ’s righteousness to us.
Romans 2:4;8:33, Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38;3:19;11:18, 2 Corinthians 4:5;5:21, Philippians 2:11, 1 Corinthians 1:30

Sanctification is positional and instantaneous when God justifies and declares one to be holy and therefore is identified as a saint. This Sanctification refers to the believer’s standing before God and not his present walk, journey, or condition. 
Acts 20:32, 1 Corinthians 1:2,30;6:11, 2 Thessalonians 2:13,
Hebrews 2:11;3:1;10:10, 1 Peter 1:2

Progressive Sanctification is the Holy Spirit’s work that empowers the willful believer’s efforts to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ. Through God’s Word and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the believer’s life increases in obedience, dependence on God, holiness, and righteousness.
John 17:17-19, Romans 6:1-22, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4;5:23

Assurance of salvation is the biblical teaching that once we are saved, we are always saved. God’s power secures the believer in Christ forever. 
John 5:24; 6:37-40, Romans 8:31-39, 1 Corinthians 1:4-8, Jude 24

The Church

The Church is a spiritual organism made up of all believers from all ages, nations, races, ethnicities, cultures,- and constitude God’s people. 
1 Peter 2:4-10, Ephesians 2:13-18, Ephesians 4:1-6, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11

The Church was a mystery, once hidden but now revealed. On the Day of Pentecost, the church began with the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. 
Ephesians 3:1-12, Colossians 1:24-27, Acts 2:1-4; 33-41

The Church is the body of Christ, of which he is the Head and in which believers as individual members are made one. The Church is the bride of Christ, betrothed to him and destined to be presented to him pure and blameless at his coming. The Church is the flock of God over whom Christ is the Chief Shepherd. The Church is the temple of the Spirit of God, his dwelling place being built into a spiritual family.
Colossians 1:18, Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 12:12, Ephesians 5:25-27, 32, Revelation 19:6-8, 1 Peter 5:4, 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22

Local churches are the visible, experiential expressions of Christ’s community which we understand is the Universal Church. In local churches, members are commanded to assemble to worship God and minister to one another according to the Scriptures.
Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 5:18-21, Colossians 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22

Local churches are self-governing and are to be led by gifted, humble shepherds (pastor-elders) who will give an account to Christ for the church’s spiritual well-being.

Christ instituted two ordinances for his Church: the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.

Baptism is an ordinance for every believer. At Crossway Fellowship we practice baptism by immersion in water to represent faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior. It also represents our death to sin and resurrection to a new life in Christ. We recognize that faithful and true believers disagree on the practice but not on the symbolic meaning. We believe that the followers of Christ should not be divided by their practice on this matter but enjoy fellowship in Jesus’ Universal Church. 

The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance to be administrated with the elements of bread and the vine’s fruit. It is not an ongoing sacrifice, but it is a remembrance of Christ’s death that provided salvation and eternal life to true believers. The Lord’s Supper binds the church in unity and affirms the faith gifted to the saints.  


We eagerly await the personal and imminent return of Jesus Christ for us. This is our blessed hope, our hearts’ great desire.
Hebrews 9:27-28, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Titus 2:11-14, 1 Peter 1:8-9

God the Father has given all judgment to the Son. Jesus will return in glory to execute God’s justice on earth, inflicting wrath on God’s enemies and rewarding his people.
1Corinthians 15:23-28, 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Revelation 19:11-21

Christ will reign 1000 years on earth with absolute authority over the nations and will bring all of God’s covenant promises to fulfillment, after which he will judge Satan, his host, and all unredeemed mankind with eternal damnation.
Isaiah 11:1-9, Revelation 20:1-15

God will create new heavens and new earth, and his angels and glorified saints will dwell in his undiminished presence for all eternity.
Revelation 21:1-4, Revelation 22:1-5